Acne is a skin condition that forms several types of break outs, the most common are white heads, black heads and cysts. They can be singular or on clusters, inflamed, red and sore and infected. Any way it comes in it is defiantly not fun!!!!
So what causes it? You may have a breakout you just can not see it as it could be underlying in your skin waiting to reveal its ugly head. It may just be a over production of your skins natural oils and a build up of dead skin cells that is block with in your pore and becomes inflamed and infected with bacteria.

Some life style changes can help with stopping the spread of bacteria!
Such as YOUR PILLOW CASE, yep do your pillow case harbors bacteria so change it more frequently... sleep on one side one night, flip it and sleep on the other side then put it in to be washed (and if your washing machine has a antibacterial wash, use it!)
When was the last time you washed your mobile phone screen???? This day and age they come with us everywhere... yes you know what I am talking about. You wash your hands but do you wash you mobile screen, so get cleaning!!!!
Washing your face morning and night twice... don't get lazy on me it is necessary to keep your skin clean!!! Wash it once and rinse and then do it again.