How long does cosmetics tattooing take?
Usually 1 hour 30minutes allocated per treatment.
Follow up appointment 4 weeks later is 1hr depending on any changes.
How does the procedure feel?
Topical anaesthetics (e.g. creams) are used to minimise discomfort.
Customers virtually feel nothing or minimal discomfort.
Shape & Colour Decision
Before the treatment colour is discussed and agreed upon taking into consideration numerous aspects Shape is measured to suit the individual. Thickness, arch, start, finish point & style will be 100% agreed upon before commencing treatment. I will hand draw a shape keeping in mind the consultation wth the client confirming with the client again.I tailor each brow to suit YOU!!!.

What will my brows look like after the procedure?
Your colour will appear slightly darker, but will lighten with the healing process over 2weeks.
Mild redness may occur but not for all, however normal activity can be resumed immediately following the procedure.
How long will my brows last?
Feather Touch Brows can last up to 24mths, depending on lifestyle and colour to begin with clients top up colour 8months-12months is $250. Brow refresh 8mths or less $150. Darker brows will last longer.
How long will my eyeliner tattoo last?
Up to 5years depending on lifestyle and design. Top up is possible 2-3years later $250 for existing clients.
How long will my full lip blush tattoo last?
Depending on colour lip blush can last anywhere from 2-7years.
What is IPL?
Intense Pulsed Light is a technology where light is converted into heat energy.
Treatments are like a very powerful camera flash lamp being held against your skin.
The selected light waves target chromophores (colour pigments) such as melanin in brown spots and freckles; and such as haemoglobin in broken or diffused blood vessels. The light waves can also target specific protein molecules in acne bacteria and in collagen. IPL treats all conditions without disruption to the skin’s surface.
What is the difference between IPL and Laser?
Lasers have been used in surgery for years. The IPL is an adaptation of the laser, more suited to the beauty industry. The biggest difference between laser and IPL, as far as treatment is concerned, is the coverage. The laser beam is very narrow, only covering a small spot at a time, while IPL coverage is several times the area, and therefore treatments are much quicker. The surface area of the Chromolite IPL applicator head is 7.5 square cm – one of the largest on the market.
Lasers produce light from one specific wavelength, or colour, for a very specific target. The light emitted from the IPL is composed of a spectrum of colours from different wavelengths, enabling selective photo-absorption (light absorption) to different targets. In other words, using the IPL is like using a group of lasers in a single treatment.
Permanent Hair Reduction: How does it work?
Intense Pulsed Light targets the colour pigment (melanin) in the hairs. Therefore white hairs can not be treated. Dark hairs on fair skin have the best and quickest results. Fair hairs will require extra treatments with lesser results. Caution is required when treating hairs on darker skins; this is explained below and would be discussed more fully during your consultation.
The hair growth cycle:
Hairs grow in constant cycles: Firstly hairs are actively growing, then they become dormant (resting), and finally they loosen and shed, only to be replaced by more new, actively growing hairs.
Only hair follicles in the active growth stage are disabled by IPL treatments.
Hairs in the dormant stage of the growth cycle normally remain anchored in the follicles for weeks or months, depending on their location, but their follicles and associated hair germination cells are not disabled by IPL treatments. These follicles will be treated in subsequent sessions. This is why you need repeated sessions. Hair growth becomes sparser with each session. All treated hairs should shed within about two weeks.

Is it painful?
Some treatments have little or no sensation at all, but for other treatments, clients may feel a slight sting, similar to the flick of a rubber band against your skin. It is certainly not unbearable, and we can always reduce the intensity if you feel the need. Immediately after some treatments you may feel a mild heat for a few minutes, or a couple of hours, but after most treatments you will feel next to nothing at all..
How will I look after the treatment?
In most cases there is no visible reaction and you would be expected to be able to return to work and resume your normal activities immediately after your appointment. However, IPL causes heat in the target tissues; therefore it is quite acceptable for the area to be slightly reddened immediately after treatment, but this would normally dissipate within half an hour. It is possible for the skin to appear slightly red for a couple of hours and up to 24 hours. If a reaction is visible after 48 hours it is imperative to contact your IPL operator for further advice. For those people concerned about wearing make-up immediately after treatment; provided there is no adverse reaction, (which is very rare), we can apply a mineral foundation to your face after your sun block. After hair removal treatments is also common to see a slight swelling at the mouth of each hair follicle, similar to goose bumps. This appearance should disappear within the same frame time as with reddening..
How does skin needling work?
A medical grade device is rolled over the epidermis in a specific way which causes tiny little micro channels into the skin that stimulate rapid renewal, rejuvenation and regeneration providing long lasting corrective results.
The microscopic puncture channels stimulate circulation and the growth of new collagen and elastin. This assists in re-building the skin’s structure and integrity whilst providing versatile correction of many skin conditions. Skin needling does not use heat and is therefore suitable for treatment on most skin types.
How many skin needling treatments will I need?
Depending on your skin condition, we recommend anywhere between 3-10 treatments. When treating more severe skin conditions such as stretch marks and major scarring you may require between 6 to 10 treatments every 6-8 weeks. A refresher course may be performed every 6-12 months.
What are the potential side effects of a Skin Needling treatment?
After a skin needling treatment it is normal to experience mild to moderate redness, slight swelling, minor flaking, mild grazing and bruising. The more dramatic side effects can last anywhere from 1 to 7 days with improvements each day.

Is it painful?
One hour prior to treatment a topical anaesthetic cream is applied to the area. This will minimise any discomfort during the treatment. Most clients describe the feeling as a bit of pressure and a mild tingling feeling.
What do I do after the treatment?
After a skin needling treatment you must ensure that you avoid any excessive heat to the area such as hot showers, saunas, exercise, sun exposure etc. The application of a soothing agent post treatment is essential and you must also avoid the use of active cosmeceutical skin care for a few days post treatment.
What is a Lash Lift?
The lash lift procedure has revolutionised old, inadequate perming techniques. Using silicone pads instead of perm rods, this new technique can lift, straighten or curl, and lengthen your own natural lashes to create a brighter, fuller, wide eyed look. No need for extensions and the associated aftercare, this will last you 6-8 weeks and can be combined with a tint to leave the mascara behind..
Can a Lash Lift be used to compliment other treatments?
Yes! A lash Lift is enhanced when you use an eyelash growth product, such as RapidLash which is available in our store. While your lashes grow longer, our process controls straight or overly curly lashes by giving them a uniform lifted look. Black eyelash tint is applied during the treatment to enhance the look of your lashes.
Is a Lash Lift the same as an eyelash perm?
No the Lash lift is a new, improved procedure, overcoming the ‘over curled’ look of its predecessor . Whilst the chemical procedure is identical to a perm, the difference is in the results. By ditching the old fashioned perm rollers which curled back the lashes to the extent of the ‘dolly look’, the silicone pads used for this new procedure lifts the lash from the root in either a straight or curled, upwards fashion that produces length and a bright eyed enhanced look.

Does the Lash Lift procedure hurt?
No the procedure is totally painless. You will have your eyes closed for the entire treatment and although it may feel a little strange being unable to open your eyes for this time, it offers you a chance to relax during the treatment..
How long will a Lash Lift last?
A Lash Lift can last 6-8 weeks but can vary from person to person. There is no need for any maintenance appointments in between but you will need to have the process repeated every 6-8 weeks to lift the new hair growth. There are some situations that may cause the lift to drop/weaken prematurely such as swimming, use off harsh products or heat. If you find that your lift does not last the full 2 months, you can repeat the treatment after a minimum of 4 weeks of having the initial treatment, but not before.
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